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Open Data Standard for All (UK) Nonprofits

What is VCS Data?

Why Have a VCS Data Standard?

If VCSs shared their data openly using a set standard, then that data could have many uses:

Surely there’s a Standard Already?

No. See for generic organization information. See for group profiles for referral in the US.

Who’s Behind OpenVCS?

Just me. Trevor Barton.

Help This Standard Grow

Considering submitting this to, involving CiviCRM developers, promoting it to NESTA, promoting it to the UK LGA, IODS…

Use OpenVCS

The current version of OpenVCS is 0.2. This is a draft version. Get it from GitHub, fork it, play with it, suggest your own changes, additions and edits. It's for anyone to use and contribute towards.

See OpenVCS

Useful links


Thank you to: Tim Davies, Steven Flower, David Kane, Greg Bloom.